Frequently Asked Questions


What Can A Personal Trainer do for me
There are many reasons why people hire a personal trainer. Trainers are excellent for providing motivation, teaching safe workout techniques, giving individualized instruction, suggesting new effective workouts, to bolster confidence, to provide sport-specific training, assist with injury rehabilitation,and to teach new skills. You may want a trainer to motivate and push you to the point where you begin to see lasting results and to give you ongoing encouragement and support so you keep it up!
Why should I use a Personal Trainer?
Some people are happy to follow their own programme in their own time and place; for those who lack the time, or the motivation, or the energy to train effectively on their own, a Personal Trainer can be the answer. The support, advice and encouragement comes with safe exercise technique to help you avoid injuries.
When do I need a Personal Trainer?
When you are overweight, when you are underweight, when you are unfit, when you want to get fitter, when you have just had a baby, when you are in training, when you are bored with training, when the kids have left home, when the jeans don't fit, when you are too busy to keep fit, when you are going skiing, when Christmas has happened, When you want to.
Is it Worth paying a Personal Trainer
Hiring a personal trainer is your opportunity to take your efforts to another level. When you search the terms "Personal Trainer Nairobi," "Personal Training Kenya," "Nairobi Personal Trainer," "Personal Trainer Near Me," "Denver Personal Training," "Find a Personal Trainer," and the many others, you'll find that the personal training experience can vary greatly among personal trainers in Nairobi (for better or worse). In fact, you’ll find that of the top ten choices, most are directories, and you won’t know which trainer will be assigned to you. Why is the personal training experience unique with David? He is a Fitness Expert, Sport Scientist, and a Nutrition plan Designer in Nairobi, Kenya who has studied the body and the mind for over 14 years. He prides himself on an adaptive fitness approach that is efficient and results-focused. David's clients value personal trainers in Denver who don't push supplements or focus on reckless fitness movements they find in magazines. As a whole, David focuses on injury rehabilitation and prevention and provides nutritional and behavioral guidelines for personal change. His efforts to transform the human spirit extend beyond the personal training studio. And, without a doubt, choosing David as your personal trainer guarantees you’re in the right place.
How often should I train?
Three times each week should be sufficient for you to start feeling and seeing results. Although, like anything, you will get more out of it if you put more in. Whether you work out with your Trainer every time is up to you, and how motivated you are, how often you can afford to train, what you schedule is like every week.
Will my Trainer put me on a diet?
Most Personal Trainers are fully aware that in order to change an unhealthy lifestyle you have to work within it. You will find that many Personal Trainers can give you nutritional and lifestyle advice - whether you take it is up to you. We are only with you a few hours a week, but the fitter you become, the better you will treat your body as a natural consequence.